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Andrei Degermendzhy
Institute of Biophysics (Russ. Acad. of Sci., Siberian Branch)
Academgorodok, 660036 Krasnoyarsk , Russia ,
Fax: 7(3912)433400


- Director of Institute of Biophysics
- Head of the Laboratory of Biophysics of Ecosystems

Scientific Degrees:
- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Russia
- Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics)

Date of Birth: 03 February 1947 .

Place of Birth: Krasnoyarsk , Russia .

Family Status: Married, one son

Education & Experience:

Education, scientific degrees and titles: biophysicist-student (Novosibirsk State University, (1970); Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics)- Institute of Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, 1975; Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) (1989); Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Russia (2000);

Teaching: Krasnoyarsk State University: 1984-present - "Ecological Forecasting: mathematical Approaches" - Special course; 1983-1984 - "Mathematics for Biologists"; 1973 - 1982 "Microbial Population Dynamics" - Special course; Krasnoyarsk Technical University: 1991 - 1994 "Higher Mathematics" course.

Scientific interests: ecology, population microbiology, mathematical and experimental modeling, aquatic salt ecosystems.

Scientific research: 1. Theoretical investigation of ecological mechanisms of requlation of species composition in microorganism communities. 2. Experimental investigation of microorganism growth self regulation mechanisms and development of new biophysical techniques. 2. Prediction of aquatic (river and salt lakes) ecosystem conditions and water quality by combining trends 1 and 2.

Publications : total about 180 scientific works, including 5 monographs.

-Degermendzhy AG, Adamovich VA and Pozdyaev VN. 1989. On the cybernetics of bacterial communities: observations, experiments and theory. Int J of Cybernetics and Systems. 20: 501-541.

-Degermendzhy A.G., Adamovich V.V., Adamovich V.A. 1993. A new experimental approach to the search for chemical density factors in the regulation of monoculture growth. J.General Microbiology. 139:2027-2031.

-Andrei G. Degermendzhy, Victor M. Belolipetsky, Tatiana A. Zotina, Ramesh D. Gulati. 2002. Formation of the vertical heterogeneity in the Shira Lake ecosystem: the biological mechanisms and mathematical model. Aquatic Ecology. 36:271-297.

-I.I.Gitelson, A.G.Degermendzhy, E.K.Rodicheva. 2003. Self-restoration as fundamental property of CES providing their sustainability.// Advances in space research: Space life sciences: closed artificial ecosystems and life support systems. - V. 31, No 7. -pp. 1641-1648.

- A.A. Koltashev, N.A. Gaevsky, A.D. Degermendzhy. 2004. Dynamics of formation of phytoplankton depth maximum in the Shira lake // International conference: Science for watershed conservation: multidisciplinary approaches for natural resource management/Abstracts. - Ulan-Ude - Ulan-Bator ( Mongolia ), September 1-8, 2004 . - Vol.2. - 146-147.

-Robert Jellison , Yegor S. Zadereev, Priya Arora DasSarma , John M. Melack , Michael R.Rosen , Andrei G. Degermendzhy, Shiladitya DasSarma, German Zambrana. Conservation and Management Challenges of Saline Lakes: A Review of Five Experience Briefs / Lake Basin Management Initiative Thematic Paper (Lake Basin Management Initiative Briefs: ( .asp?projectid=4&programid=2 ) . - 22 June, 2004 . - PP.28.

Candidate's Statement

My research of Khakasian salt lakes started in 1994 when I set up a biophysical field laboratory on Shira lake. From the standpoint of ecological biophysics few trophic levels, well expressed stratification (sea model?) make salt lakes an ideal object to develop mathematical methods of prognosticating and controlling ecosystem condition and in some cases they are a natural laboratory of would-be biospheric extreme conditions. Generalization of our own field data and development of a prognostic mathematical model of sulfur transport will make possible: 1) to develop a mathematical model of basic elements' turnover ( С -N-S-P) in "surface- water mass - bottom" system; 2) to find out stability conditions of basic elements' cycles with respect to typical natural conditions (illumination conditions, anthropogenic run-off, flows at interfaces, etc.); 3) to correlate "blooming" of algae with sulfur cycle; 4) to establish relationship between stratification of the hydrogen sulfide zone and organic load on the lake; 5) to work out ecologically efficient scenarios of preserving the ecosystem of Shira and other Khakasian lakes. To organize international cooperation on Khakasian salt lakes I pursued holding the 8 th ICSL in Siberia on Shira lake and it will take place 22-26 July 2002. I'm seeking for closer international cooperation with most interesting members of our community to introduce biophysical ideas into the cause of salt lake research.

From 2005 the field station on lake Shira has received grant INTAS of the European Community (2005-2008) on construction of laboratories and premises with the purpose of creation of conditions for expansion of the international cooperation. During same time the web-site "The Siberian group" improves with the purpose of involving the Russian scientists in work of our "salty" society.



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