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Curriculum vitae

Egor S. Zadereev

Egor S. Zadereev 


Current working address

Laboratory of Biophysics of Ecosystems
Institute of Biophysics
Akademgorodok 660036 Krasnoyarsk Russia
Tel: (3912) 494358


Educational background

1999 Ph.D., Hydrobiology, Krasnoyarsk State University , Krasnoyarsk , Russia

Ph.D. thesis The role of population density in gamogenesis induction in Cladocera: Moina macrocopa as an example (phenomenology, parametric control)

1998 M.Sc., Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University , Budapest , Hungary

1994 M.Sc., Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk State University , Krasnoyarsk , Russia


Professional experience

1998-present Laboratory of Biophysics of Ecosystems, Institute of Biophysics SB RAS , senior research scientist, research scientists (1999-2003), junior research scientist (1998-1999)

2002-present Scientific secretary, Institute of Biophysics SB RAS

2002-present The Head of the Scientific Field Station at Shira lake (affiliated at IBP SB RAS)


Principal research interests

Chemical interactions in aquatic ecosystems; The effect of environmental and density dependent factors on cyclic reproduction and diapause induction in crustaceans; Reproduction strategies, diapause and species coexistence; Vertical distribution of zooplankton in aquatic ecosystems


Professional skills

Laboratory research: cultivation of zooplankton individuals and populations, cultivation of algae (used as a food for zooplankton experiments), fluorescent and spectrophotometric methods, all basic laboratory skills.

Field research: zooplankton and algae sampling, sediment sampling, samples treatment and processing, in situ experiments with zooplankton in enclosures.

Mathematical modeling: individual based modeling of cyclic reproduction in Cladocera.


Papers in peer reviewed journals/books

Kalacheva G.S., Zadereev E.S ., Gubanov V.G., Gribovskaya I.V. 2000. Chemical composition of water conditioned by crowded Moina macrocopa (Crustacea: Cladocera). Russ J Ecol. 31: (2) 113-117

Tolomeev A.P., Zadereev E.S. 2003. The effect of solar radiation on the vertical migrations of Arctodiaptomus salinus and Brachionus plicatilis in Shira lake. Biology of Inland Waters. No.2: 74-79 (In Russian)

Tolomeev A.P., Zadereev E.S. 2005. An in situ method for the investigation of vertical distributions of zooplankton in lakes: test of a two-compartment enclosure. Aquatic ecology. 39(2): 181-188

Zadereev E.S. 1997. The effect of conditioned water upon the fecundity of Moina macrocopa females. Russ J Ecol. 28: (3) 205-207

Zadereev E.S. 2002. Chemical interactions between planktonic crustaceans. Zh Obshch Biol. 63: (2) 159-167 (In Russian)

Zadereev Ye.S. 2005. The effect of chemical interactions on the diapause induction in zooplankton Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29: 227-230

Zadereev E.S. 2003. Chemical interactions in aquatic ecosystems. In: Volova T.G. (Ed.) Studies in ecological biophysics. Publishing house of SB RAS, Novosibirsk , pp. 392-409 (In Russian)

Zadereev Ye.S. 2003. Maternal effects, conspecific chemical cues, and switching from parthenogenesis to gametogenesis in the cladoceran Moina macrocopa. Aquatic ecology. 37: 251-255

Zadereev E.S., Gubanov V.G. 1995. The influence of population density of Moina macrocopa (Cladocera) and food supply on the change of reproducing type in M.macrocopa. Russ J Ecol. 26: (5) 381-382

Zadereev E.S., Gubanov V.G. 1996. The role of population density in gamogenesis induction in Moina macrocopa (Cladocera: Crustacea). Zh Obshch Biol. 57: (3) 360-367 (In Russian)

Zadereev E.S., Gubanov V.G. 1999. Density dependent regulation of the reproduction cycle in Moina macrocopa . In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Crustacean Congress on the Biodiversity Crisis and Crustacea. Crustacean Issues 12. Balkema, Amsterdam , pp. 535-541

Zadereev Ye. S. , Gubanov M.V. 2002. The effect of chemicals released by Gammarus lacustris on the depth distribution of Arctodiaptomus salinus in laboratory conditions. Aquatic ecology. 36: 257-260

Zadereev E.S., Gubanov V.G., Egorov I.V. 1998. The influence of food concentration and "water aggregation" on the reproductive parameters of Moina macrocopa (Crustacea: Cladocera) females. Zh Obshch Biol. 59: (1) 45-57 (In Russian)

Zadereev E.S., Prokopkin I.G., Gubanov V.G., Gubanov M.V. 2003. Individual-based model of the reproduction cycle of Moina macrocopa (Crustacea: Cladocera). Ecological Modelling. 162: 15-31


Reviewed Reports

Jellison R., Zadereev Ye.S. , DasSarma P.A., Melack J.M., Rosen M.R., Degermendzhy A.G., DasSarma S., and Zambrana G. Conservation and Management Challenges of Saline Lakes: A Review of Five Experience Briefs . Thematic Paper. Lake Basin Management Initiative. Lake Basin Management Initiative Briefs:


International Professional travel

2003 The Department of Food Web Studies, Centre for Limnology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology. Collaborative research supported by the personal grant from Russian Ministry of Education. (15 February-15 April)


Field research experience

1999-present Annual scientific expeditions (duration of up to one month per year) to salt lakes of Khakasia (south of Siberia )


International Conferences/seminars attended

2005 European Conference on mathematical and Theoretical Biology, July 18-22, Dresden , Germany

2004 29 th SIL Congress, August 8-14, Lahti , Finland

2002 8 th International Conference on Salt Lake Research , July 23-26, Khakasia , Russia

2002 NATO Advanced Research Workshop " Artemia Biodiversity in the Newly Independent States: Current Global Resources and their Sustainable Exploitation", July 17-19, Moscow , Russia

1999 Summer School "Energy policies for countries in transition ", July 12-23, Central European University , Budapest , Hungary .

1998 4 th International conference "Crustacea and Biodiversity Crisis", July 20-27, Amsterdam , Netherlands .

1996 International workshop "Environment and Interaction ", November 18-19, Porto , Portugal .

1995 International Conference "Fundamental and Applied Problems of Environmental Protection", September 12-16, Tomsk , Russia .


Grants/projects supervised

2004-2006 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 04-04-48321

2004-2005 Ministry of Industry and Science of Russian Federation , Grant MK-1388.2004.4

2003 Ministry of Education of Russian Federation , Grant E02-2.0-28

2002-2003 Krasnoyarsk Regional Scientific Foundation, Grant 11F0029M

2000-2002 Russian Academy of Science , 6 th competition for young scientists, Project 261

1999 Krasnoyarsk Regional Scientific Foundation & US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), Grant 1M0040

1995-1996 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 95-04-11794


Students supervised who earned graduate degrees

2001 Gubanov M.V. (Biological department, Krasnoyarsk State University ). Higher education degree.

Thesis "The effect of environmental factors on the vertical distribution of Copepoda Arctodiaptomus salinus in laboratory conditions"

2000 Prokopkin I.G. (Physical department, Krasnoyarsk State University ). Master of Science degree.

Thesis "Mathematical modeling of cyclic population of Moina macrocopa"

1999 Yegorov I.V. (Biological department, Krasnoyarsk State University ). Higher education degree.

Thesis "The reaction of the reproductive system of diapausing planktonic animals on the effect of density dependent factors: Cladocera Moina macrocopa and Rotifera Brachionus plicatilis as examples"


Teaching experience:

Visiting lecturer at the Biological Department of Krasnoyarsk State University (spring and autumn semesters 2004, autumn semester 2002, autumn semester 2000)

Curriculum development workshop for the grantees of Curriculum Resource Center, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, January 26-February 4 2005

Curriculum Resource Center Fall Session " Environmental issues in countryside ", Central European University , Budapest , Hungary , 7-14 December 2000


Membership in international societies

International Society for Salt Lake Research


Honorary awards

2003-2001 the scientific stipend from Russian Academy of Sciences for young scientists

2002, 2000, 1999, 1997, 1996, 1995 personal award from Krasnoyarsk Regional Scientific Foundation

1997-1996 honorary stipend for post-graduate students from the President of Russia

1996 the award for the talented youth from the Krasnoyarsk territory administration


Other professional activities

2001-present The chairman of the Youth Scientific Council of Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center.

1999-2002 The chairman of the Youth Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics SB RAS .

2003, 2001 Vice-chairman of the organizing committee of 3 rd and 2 nd regional conferences "Youth and the way of Russia towards sustainable development" (April 2001, October 2003, Krasnoyarsk )

2002 Member of the technical organizing committee of 8 th International conference on salt lake research (ISSLR2002, July, Russia )



Dr. Ramesh D. Gulati
Editor-in-chief Aquatic Ecology
NIOO/Centre of Limnology
Rijksstraatweg 6
3631 AC Nieuwersluis
The Netherlands

Dr. Viktor R. Alekseev
Zoological Institute RAS
The Laboratory of Freshwater and Experimental Hydrobiology
Universitetskaya emb., 1, St.-Petersburg, 190034, Russia

Dmitry Musolin, PhD
Entomology Lab., Dept. of Agro-Environmental Sciences
National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region
1 Hitsujigaoka, Sapporo , Hokkaido 062-8555, Japan
Tel.: +81-11-857-9280, FAX: +81-11-859-2178


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