• Barsukova (Anishchenko) Olesya

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    Barsukova (Anishchenko) Olesya

    Current working address

    Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry

    Institute of Biophysics

    Akademgorodok 660036 Krasnoyarsk Russia

    Tel: +7 (391) 249-52-53

    e-mail: hydrakr@rambler.ru

    Educational background

    • 2004 Ph.D., Ecology, biophysics, Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

    • Ph.D. thesis “Studying of hydrophysical factors effect on phytoplankton of two small eutrophic reservoirs with fluorescence analysis”.

    • 2001–2004, postgraduate student of Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

    • 1996–2001, student, faculty of biology of Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

    Professional experience

    • 2009 – present Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, senior research scientist, research scientist (2005-2009)

    • 2005 – present senior research scientist, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk , Russia

    Principal research interests

    • Primary productivity of phytoplankton and phytoperiphyton, heavy metals transfer and accumulation in throphic chains in freshwater ecosystems, primary productivity of phytoperiphyton and phytoplankton

    Professional skills

    • Laboratory research: DCMU-fluorescence analysis for taxonomic and potential photosynthetic activity estimation of microalgae, spectrometry of microalgae extracts for chlorophyll estimation. Flame, atomic-absorption, inductively coupled argon plasma optical emission (ICP) spectrometry and samples preparation for these analyses (water, soil and biological tissues).

    • Field research: benthos, phytoplankton, periphyton and sediment sampling and treatment, water and air PAR measurement.

    Papers in peer reviewed journals

    • Kolmakov V.I., Anishchenko O.V., Ivanova E.A., Kravchuk E. S. The regularities of seasonal dynamics of the vertical distribution of phytoplankton in the small forest pond (outskirts of Krasnoyarsk, Russia) // Algologia. 2002. V.12. ¹ 2. P.207 – 220 (in Russian)

    • Anishchenko Î.V., Kolmakov V.I., Gladyshev M.I. Influence of meteorological factors on fluorescence characteristics of phytoplankton in the surface water layer of the «blooming» reservoir // Reportes of Academy of Scienses. 2004. V. 397. ¹ 1. P. 124-127 (in Russian)

    • Gaevsky N.A., Kolmakov V.I., Anishchenko O.V. and Gorbaneva T.B. Using DCMU-fluorescence method for the identification of dominant phytoplankton groups // Journal of Applied Phycology. 2005. V.17. P. 483–494.

    • Kolmakov V.I., Gladyshev M.I., Kravchuk E.S., Chuprov S.M., Anishchenko O.V., Ivanova E.A., Trusova M.Y. Species-specific stimulation of cyanobacteria by silver carp Hypophtalmichthys molitrix (Val.) // Reportes of Academy of Scienses. 2006. V. 408. ¹ 2. P. 283-285. (in Russian)

    • Anishchenko O.V. Influence of hydrophysical factors on fluorescence parameters of phytoplankton in surface layer of small eutrophic Bugach reservoir // Contemporary problems of Ecology. (Sibirskiy ekologicheskiy zhurnal). 2008. ¹ 2. V. 15. P. 303–313. (in Russian)

    • Kolmakov V.I., Anishchenko O.V., Ivanova E.A., Gladyshev M.I., Sushchik N.N.

    • Estimation of periphytic microalgae gross primary production with DCMU-fluorescence method in Yenisei River (Siberia, Russia) // Journal of Applied Phycology. 2008. V.20. I. 3. P. 289-297

    • Gladyshev M.I., Sushchik N.N., Anishchenko O.V., Makhutova O.N., Kalachova G.S., Gribovskaya I.V. Benefit-risk ratio of food fish intake as the source of essential fatty acids vs. heavy metals: A case study of Siberian grayling from the Yenisei River // Food Chemistry. 2009. V.115. P. 545–550.

    • Anishchenko O. V. Gladyshev M. I. Kravchuk E. S. Sushchik N. N. and Gribovskaya I. V. Distribution and migration of metals in trophic chains of the Yenisei ecosystem near Krasnoyarsk city // Water Resources. 2009. V. 36. No. 5. P. 594–603 (in Russian)

    • Ushakova S.A., Tikhomirova N.A, Kudenko Yu.A., Anischenko O.V. Possible ways to include human metabolites in the turnover of biological life support system // Aviakosmicheskaya i Ecologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2009. V. 43. ¹ 2. P. 61-63. (in Russian)

    • Ushakova S., Tikhomirov A., Shikhov V., Kudenko Yu., Anischenko O., Gros J.B., Lasseur C. Increased BLSS closure using mineralized human waste in plant cultivation on a neutral substrate // Advances in space research. 2009. Vol. 44. I. 8. P. 971-978.

    • Anishchenko O.V., Gladyshev M. I., Kravchuk E. S., Ivanova E. A., Gribovskaya I.V., Sushchik N.N. Seasonal variations of metal concentrations in periphyton and taxonomic composition of the algal community at a Yenisei River littoral site // Central European Journal of Biology. 2010. V. 5(1). P. 125-134.

    • Anishchenko O.V., Gladyshev M.I. Kravchuk E.S., Kalacheva G.S. and Gribovskaya I.V. Assessment of the Yenisei river anthropogenic pollution by metals concentrations in the main ecosystem compartments upstream and downstream Krasnoyarsk City (Russia) // Journal of Siberian Federal University. 2010. Biology 1 (3). P. 82-98

    • Gladyshev M.I., Sushchik N.N., Anishchenko O.V., Makhutova O.N., Kolmakov V.I., Kalachova G.S., Kolmakova A.A.. Dubovskaya O.P. Efficiency of transfer of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids versus organic carbon from producers to consumers in a eutrophic reservoir // Oecologia. 2011. V.165. P. 521–531.

    • Gladyshev M. I., Anishchenko O. V., Sushchnik N. N., Kalacheva G. S., Gribovskaya I. V. and Ageev A. V. Influence of anthropogenic pollution on content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids in links of food chain of river ecosystem // Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2012. V. 5. N.4. P. 376–385

    • Ivanova E. A., Anischenko O. V., Gribovskaya I. V., Zinenko G. K.,. Nazarenko N. S, Nemchinov V. G., Zuev I. V. and Avramov A. P. Metal content in higher aquatic plants in a small Siberian water reservoir // Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2012. V. 5. N. 4. P. 356–364.

    • Ushakova S.A., Tikhomirov A.A., Tikhomirova N.A., Kudenko Yu.A., Litovka Yu.A., Anishchenko O.V. A biological method of including mineralized human liquid and solid wastes into the mass exchange of bio-technical life support systems // Advances in Space Research. 2012. V. 50. P. 932–940.

    • Zotina T.A., Trofimova E. A., Bolsunovsky A.Ya. and Anishenko O.V. Efficacy of trophic transfer of radioactive and stable isotopes of metals to zoobenthos-feeding fish of the Yenisei river // Journal of Siberian Federal University. 2013. Biology 1 (6). P.96-107.

    • Shklavtsova E.S., Ushakova S.A., Shikhov V.N., Anishchenko O.V. Tolerance of chufa (Cyperus esculentus L.) plants, representing the higher plant compartment in bioregenerative life support systems, to super-optimal air temperatures //Advances in Space Research. 2013 V. 51. P. 124-132.

    • Ivanova E.A., Anishchenko O.V. Glushchenko L.A., Gaevsky N.A., Kolmakov V.I. Contribution of different groups of autotrophs to the primary production of the mountain lake Oiskoe // Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2014. V. 7. N.4. P. 397–409.

    • Tolomeev A.P., Anishchenko O.V., Kravchuk E.S., Kolmakova O.V., Glushchenko L. A., Makhutova O.N., Kolmakova A.A., Kolmakov V. I., Trusova M.Yu., N.N. Sushchik, Gladyshev M.I. Component elements of the carbon cycle in the middle and lower Yenisei River // Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2014. V. 7. N.4. P. 489–500.

    • Zotina T. A., Trofimova E. A., Bolsunovsky A. Ya., Anishenko O. V. Experimental estimation of the possible use of submersed macrophytes for biotesting bottom sediments of the Yenisei River // Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2014. V.7. I. 4. P. 410-421

    Field research experience

    • June 2012 Yenisei river expedition (Krasnoyarsk – Ust-Port)

    • June 2010 and July 2013 Ergaki ridge 4 lakes expedition (West Sayan, Russia)

    • 2005–2011 Yenisei river upstream and downstream sampling (benthos, periphyton, sediments, water and water moss) every month near Krasnoyarsk City.

    • May – September 2002–2003 Research of Bugach and Lesnoi reservoirs (near Krasnoyarsk City), phytoplankton sampling three times per a week and daily weather registration.

    • July 2000 Krasnoyarsk reservoir expedition

    Conferences attended

    • 2014 XI Congress of Hydrobiological Society RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, September 22-26.

    • 2010 XXXI Society International Limnological (SIL) Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 15–20

    • 2009 X Congress of Hydrobiological Society RAS, Vladivostok, Russia, September 28 – October 2

    • 2008 International scientific-and-practical conference “Periphyton and fouling: theory and practice”, St.-Petersburg, Russia, October 22–25

    • 2007 XIII International school-conference of young scientists “Biology of inland waters”, Borok, Russia, October 23–27

    • 2006 PAN-REC Conference, Tomsk, Russia, June 7–9

    • 2006 IX Congress of Hydrobiological Society RAS, Tolyatti, Russsia, September 18–22

    • 2006 International conference “Closed life support systems development for human survival under extrime conditions”, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, September 6–11

    • 2004 PAN-REC Conference of Ministry of Education RF and U.S. Civilian research and development foundation (CRDF), Kazan, Russia, July 7–12

    • 2003 VII International scientific school-conference of young scientists “Ecology of Southern Siberia and contiguous territories”; Abakan, Khakasia, Russia, November 26–29

    Students supervised who earned graduate degrees

    • 2009 Litvintseva Elena, diploma project “Effect of planktivorous fish on glue-green algae which have passed through their guts”. Higher education degree.

    • 2007 Ulturgasheva Anna, diploma project “Species-specific stimulation of Cyanobacteria by silver carp (“viable gut passage” effect) from Berezovskaya power plant”. Higher education degree.

    • 2007 Lototskaya Mariya, diploma project “Metals distribution and migration in the trophic chains of theYenisei river ecosystem near Krasnoyarsk City”. Higher education degree.

    Teaching experience:

    • 2011 The lecture and the seminar “Fluorescence analysis in hydrobiological researches” for the master students of SFU.

    • 2008 March 10–17, Seminars on “Ecological physiology of Algae” for students of Siberian federal University (SFU), Krasnoyarsk

    • 2005–2006 Senior teacher, department of hydrobiology and ichthyology, Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk

    • 2003–2006 Summer field practice and seminars on “Zoology of invertebrates” at the Biological Department of Krasnoyarsk State University

    Personal Grants

    • 2008, 2010 Travel grants for the conferences of Russian Foundation of Basic Research

    • 2006–2008 Ministry of Education RF and U.S. Civilian research and development foundation (CRDF) Post-doctoral fellowship program.

    • 2005–2006 Grant of the President of Russian Federation for young PhDs

    • 2004, 2006 Grants for young scientists of Krasnoyarsk Regional Scientific Foundation

    • 2003 Support of postgraduate students researches of Ministry of Education RF

    Membership in societies

    • Russian Hydrobiological Society

    Other professional activities

    • 2012 received training “Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer iCAP and iTEVA software, Thermo Scientific (USA)”, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, March 12–16.