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    Laboratory of Photobiology

    Institute of Biophysics SB RAS

    Akademgorodok 50/50

    Krasnoyarsk 660036 Russia

    Tel: +7 (391) 249-42-42

    E-mail: esimbekova@yandex.ru


    • 2000 Ph.D., Biophysics, Institute of Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

    • Ph.D. thesis «Study the sensitivity of triple enzyme system with bacterial luciferase for biotesting of water ecosystems»

    • 1991 M.Sc., Physics, Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia


    • 1991-1992: lab. assistant, Photobiology Laboratory, Institute of Biophysics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk

    • 1992-2017: Post-graduated student, Junior Researcher, Researcher, Photobiology Laboratory, Institute of Biophysics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk

    • 2018-present Senior Researcher, Institute of Biophysics of RAS, Krasnoyarsk


    • 2000-present Assistant of Professor of Siberian Federal University

    • Academic courses:

      • «Biochemistry»

      • «Metabolism regulation»)

      • «Ecology»

      • «Modern biology»


    • bioluminescence

    • luciferase

    • immobilization of enzymes

    • stabilization of proteins

    • bioluminescent assay

    • ecological monitoring


    • We have developed the biological modules of the bioluminescent biosensors for environmental monitoring, stress monitoring in biological objects, monitoring endotoxicosis in human organism for medicine, food quality monitoring, environmental monitoring in closed ecosystems for space biotechnology and other applications. We also have developed approaches in commercialization of biosensors.

    • Bioassays to assess the integrated water toxicity have been developed.

    • We have determined mechanisms of enzymes and their substrates stabilization in gel-like environments.

    • New method to produce the immobilized multicomponent reagent for bioluminescence analysis has been proposed.

    • New bioluminescent method for indicating stress in radish roots in closed ecosystems has been developed.


    • Asian Federation of Biotechnology

    • Russian Photobiological Society

    • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)


    • Biosensors and Bioelectronics

    • Analytica Chimica Acta

    • Enzyme and Microbial Technology

    • Luminescence

    • Food Chemistry

    • Photochemistry and Photobiology

    • Environmental Engineering and Management Journal

    • Environmental Science and Pollution Research


    • 2009 (September) Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona (Spain). Short research visit.

    • 2007 (October- November) University of Florida (USA). Collaborative research.

    • 2006 (July-August) University of Florida (USA). Collaborative research.

    • 2002 International practical workshop «Bioluminescent Alarm Signal for Early Detection of a Terrorist Attack with Toxins and Infection Agents» (Washington, USA).

    • 2003 (August), workshop on bioluminescent assays for participants of the Summer School “Biophotons and applications of biophotons” (Neuss, Germany)

    • 2001 (November), the educational workshop “Bioluminescence as educational tool” presented on “Da Vinci-Darwin-Linnaeus initiative (Public understanding of science and health 2001), meeting of European Science and Technology Week (Florence, Italy)

    • 2000 (April-June) Wageningen Agricultural University (the Netherlands). Collaborative research.


    • 27 International Conference on Ecology and Safety, 23-27 June 2018, Elenite, Bulgaria

    • 20th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence, 28-31 May 2018. Nantes, France

    • 12th International Conference on Protein Stabilization, 16-18 May 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania

    • SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 13-17 May 2018, Rome, Italy.

    • The International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering, 1- 4 June 2017, Rhodes Island, Greece.

    • 18th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence, 23-28 June 2014, Uppsala, Sweden

    • 20th International Conference on Environmental Indicators, 16-19 September 2013, Trier, Germany

    • International conference «Bioindication in Ecological Assessment of Soil and Related Habitats», 4-6 February 2013, Moscow, Russia

    • VII Moscow International Congress «Biotechnology: State of the art and prospects of development», 19-22 March 2013, Moscow, Russia

    • 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, 16-21 September 2012, Daegu, Korea

    • 17th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence, May 28-June 2, 2012; Guelph, Canada

    • 9 International conference on Protein stabilisation, 2-4 May 2012, Lisbon, Portugal

    • 2nd Russian – Hellenic Symposium on Polymeric Biomaterials and Bionanomaterials: Recent Advances Safety and Toxicology, 5-12 May, 2011, Heraklion, Greece

    • 16th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence, 19-23 April 2010, Lyon, France

    • 14th European Congress on Biotechnology, 13–16 September, 2009, Barcelona, Spain

    • 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exibition, October 12-17, 2008, Dalian, China

    • XIII International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry (Analytical luminescence: new diagnostic tools in life science, food safety and cultural heritageSeptember), 7-11, 2008, Bologna, Italy

    • 17th International Symposium Ecology & Safety, June 9 - 13, 2008, Sunny Beach resort, Bulgaria

    • International conference on Biophotons and Biophotonics, 2003, Beijing, China

    • International School on Biophotonics, 2003, Neuss, Germany

    • I-st International Congress “Biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems in North Eurasia”, 2000, Novosibirsk, Russia

    • 2nd International Conference on Clinical Chemiluminescence, 1996, Berlin, Germany


    • 2002 – Terskov I.A. Award of Siberian Branch of RAS

    • 1997 – Honorary rank "Soros Postgraduate Student"


    1. Patent RF No. 2654672. Complex of reagents for the quantitative analysis of adenosine-5’-triphosphate. Esimbekova E.N., Kirillova M.A., Kratasyuk V.A. Published 21 June 2017.

    2. Patent RF No. 2665144. The method of determining the level of stress tolerance of a person. Kratasyuk V.A., Jukova G.V., Kolenchukova O.A., Stepanova L.V., Sutormin O.S., Esmbekova E.N., Gulnov D.V. Published 28 August 2018.

    3. Patent RF No. 2546245. Enzyme preparation based on immobilized butyrylcholinesterase and method of its preparation Esimbekova E.N., Lonshakova-Mukina V.I., Kratasyuk V.A. Published 10 April 2015.

    4. Patent RF No. 2413772. Bioluminescent biomodul for analyses of various media toxicity and method of its preparation. Kratasyuk V.A., Esimbekova E.N. Published 10 March, 2011.

    5. Patent RF No. 2413771. Express method for biotesting of natural, manufactoring waters and water solutions. Kratasyuk V.A., Esimbekova E.N. Published 10 March, 2011.

    6. Patent RF No. 2252963. Method of preparation for immobilized multicomponent reagents for bioluminescent analysis. Kratasyuk VA, Esimbekova EN . Published 27 May 2005.

    7. Technical specification 2639-001-93879568-2009 on reagent «Enzymolum» ¹ 003534.

    8. Sertificate N 224.0137/01.00258/2010 (2010) Method to measure the intensity of bioluminescence with the help of the “Enzymolum” reagent to detect the toxicity of drinking, natural, waste and treated waste water



    1. Physics and chemistry of bioluminescence: textbook / V. S. Bondar, E. S. Visotsky, E. N. Esimbecova [et al.]; ed. by O. Shimomura, the Nobel Laureate, I. I. Gitelson, Academician of RAS. Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University, 2015. – 270 p. ISBN 978-5-7638-3217-4

    2. Special biophysical workshop: biology, physics and chemistry of bioluminescence: manual / L. A. Frank [et al.]. Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University, 2015. – 108 p. ISBN 978-5-7638-3253-2.

    3. Bondar V.S., Vysotski E.S., Esimbekova E.N., Kratasyuk V.A., Kudryasheva N.S. et al. Physics and chemistry of bioluminescence / Tutorial book (O. Shimomura, I.I. Gitelson Eds.). Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University, 2012. 218 p. ISBN 978-5-7638-2729-3.

    4. Frank L.A., Petushkov V.N., Rodionova N.S., Sukovataia I.E., Nemtseva E.V., Kratasyuk V.A., Esimbekova E.N. Special biophysical training courses: biology, physics and chemistry of bioluminescence/ Training course – Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University, 2012. 112 p.

    5. Phobophysics: Tutorial book / Kratasyuk V.A., Sukovataia I.E., Nemtseva E.V., Esimbekova E.N. et al. Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University, 2008. 420 p.

    6. History and methology of biology and biophysics: Tutorial book / Kratasyuk V.A., Sukovataia I.E., Nemtseva E.V. et al. Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University, 2008.613 p.

    7. Kudryasheva N.S., Kratasyuk V.A., Esimbekova E.N. Physical and Chemical principles of bioluminescent assay: Tutorial book / Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk state university, 2002. 154 p.


    1. A.A. Evstrapov, P.I. Belobrov, A. L. Bulyanitsa, K. I. Belousov, A. S. Bukatin, I. A. Denisov, E. N. Esimbekova, I. V. Kukhtevich, K. A. Lukyanenko, Ya.S. Posmitnaya, V.V. Sorokin, A.S. Yakimov Microfluidic technologies for biological analysis of natural and industrial waters - Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017. - 156 p. ISBN 978-5-7692-1562-9

    2. Kratasyuk VA, Esimbekova EN (2003) Polymer immobilized bioluminescent systems for biosensors and bioinvestigations. In: Arshady R (ed), Polymeric biomaterials, The PBM Series (Introduction to Polymeric Biomaterials), vol 1.Citus Books, London, pp 301–343.


    1. Lonshakova-Mukina V. I., Esimbekova E. N., Kratasyuk V.A. Stabilization of butyrylcholinesterase by the entrapment into the natural polymer-based gels // Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2018. V. 479, N 1. Ð. 98–100. Web of science, Scopus IF = 0,471

    2. Ranjan R., Kirillova M.A., Esimbekova E.N., Zharkov S.M., Kratasyuk V.A. Agglomeration behavior of lipid capped gold nanoparticles // Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018. V. 20, N 4. Article 107. 11 p. IF = 2,020

    3. Kirillova M.A., Esimbekova E.N., Ranjan R., Torgashina I.G., Kratasyuk V.A. Bioluminescent system of luminous bacteria for detection of microbial contamination // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology, 2018. N 2.

    4. Denisov I., Lukyanenko K., Yakimov A., Kukhtevich I., Esimbekova E., Belobrov P. Disposable luciferase-based microfluidic chip for rapid assay of water pollution // Luminescence, 2018. DOI:10.1002/bio.3508 IF = 1,509

    5. Esimbekova E.N., Kratasyuk V.A. Comparative assessment of toxic effects of surfactants using biotesting methods // Inland Water Biology, 2016. Vol. 9, No. 2. P. 196–199. Web of science, Scopus IF = 0,167

    6. Ranjan R., Esimbekova E.N. and Kratasyuk V.A. Rapid biosensing tools for cancer biomarkers // Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017. V. 87. P. 918-930. Web of science, Scopus IF = 7,476

    7. Esimbekova E.N., Nemtseva E.V., Kirillova M.A., Asanova A.A. and Kratasyuk V.A. Bioluminescent assay for toxicological assessment of nanomaterials // Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2017. V. 472 N 1. Ð. 60–63. Web of science, Scopus IF = 0,471

    8. Lukyanenko K.A., Belousov K.I., Denisov I.A., Yakimov A.S., Esimbekova E.N., Bukatin A.S., Evstrapov A.A., Belobrov P.I. Active mixing of immobilized enzymatic system in microfluidic chip // Micro & Nano Letters, 2017. V. 12, N 6. P. 377-381. Web of science, Scopus IF = 0,723

    9. Esimbekova E.N., Asanova A.A., Deeva A.A., Kratasyuk V.A. Inhibition effect of food preservatives on endoproteinases // Food Chemistry, 2017. V. 235. P. 294-297. Web of science, Scopus IF = 4,529

    10. Ranjan R., Esimbekova E.N., Kirillova M. A. and Kratasyuk V.A. Metal enhanced luminescence: Current trend and future Perspectives – A review // Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017. V. 971. P. 1-13. Web of science, Scopus IF = 4,052

    11. Fritsler Y.V., Esimbekova E.N., Kratasyuk V.A. Bioluminescent enzyme inhibition based assay of metal nanoparticles // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology 1, 2017. N 2. P. 187-198. ÐÈÍÖ

    12. Esimbekova E.N., Nemtseva E.V., Bezrukikh A.E., Jukova G.V., Lisitsa A.E., Lonshakova-Mukina V.I., Rimatskaya N.V., Sutormin O.S., Kratasyuk V.A. Bioluminescent enzyme inhibition-based assay to predict the potential toxicity of carbon nanomaterials // Toxicology in Vitro, 2017. V. 45, Part 1. P. 128-133. Web of science, Scopus IF = 2,866

    13. Lukyanenko K.A., Denisov I.A., Yakimov A.S., Esimbekova E.N., Belousov K.I., Bukatin A.S., Kukhtevich I.V., Sorokin V.V., Evstrapov A.A., Belobrov P.I. Analytical Enzymatic Reactions in Microfluidic Chips // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2017, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 775–780. Web of science, Scopus IF = 0,659

    14. Belousov K.I., Denisov I.A., Lukyanenko Ê.A., Yakimov A.S., Bukatin A.S., Kukhtevich I.V., Sorokin V.V., Esimbekova E.N., Belobrov P. I. and Evstrapov A.A. Dissolution and mixing of flavin mononucleotide in microfluidic chips for bioassay // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016. V. 741. O012058. 5 pp. Scopus

    15. Esimbekova E.N., Lonshakova-Mukina V.I., Bezrukikh A.E., Kratasyuk V.A. Design of multicomponent reagents for enzymatic assays // Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 2015. V. 461, N4. P. 102-105. Web of science, Scopus IF = 0,471

    16. Lonshakova-Mukina V., Esimbekova E., Kratasyuk V. Impact of enzyme stabilizers on the characteristics of biomodules for bioluminescent biosensors // Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2015. V. 213. P.244–247. Web of science, Scopus IF = 4,095.

    17. Kratasyuk V., Esimbekova E. Applications of luminous bacteria enzymes in toxicology // Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 2015. V. 18, Issue 10. Ð. 952-959. Web of science, Scopus IF = 1,222

    18. Esimbekova E., Kratasyuk V., Shimomura O. Application of enzyme bioluminescence in ecology. // Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol. 2014. V. 144. P. 67-109.

    19. Bezrukikh A., Esimbekova E.,, Nemtseva E., Kratasyuk V., Shimomura O. Gelatin and starch as stabilizers for the coupled enzyme system of luminous bacteria NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferase // Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2014. V. 406, Issue 23. P. 5743-5747.

    20. Esimbekova E., Kondik A., Kratasyuk V. Bioluminescent enzymatic rapid assay of water integral toxicity // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013. V. 185, Issue 7. P. 5909-5916. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2994-1.

    21. Esimbekova E.N. Rimatskaia N.V., Sukovataia I.E., Kratasyuk V.A. Bioluminescent rapid method for integral water and air toxicity assessment // Bulletin of the Orenburg state University, 2013. N 10. P. 122-127.

    22. Bezrukikh A. E., Esimbekova E. N., Kratasyuk V. A. Thermoinactivation of coupled enzyme system of luminous bacteria NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferase in gelatin // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology 1, 2011. N 4. P. 64-74.

    23. Kratasyuk V., Esimbekova E., Correll M., Bucklin R. Bioluminescent enzyme assay for the indication of plant stress in enclosed life support systems // Luminescence, 2011. V. 26, N 6. P. 543-546. DOI 10.1002/bio.1267.

    24. Esimbekova E.N., Torgashina I.G., Kratasyuk V.A. Comparative Study of Immobilized and Soluble NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase–luciferase coupled enzyme system //Biochemistry (Moscow), V.74 (6), pp.695-700.

    25. Kratasyuk V.A., Esimbekova E.N., Remmel N.N. Bioluminescent monitoring of stress in plants within closed life support systems. // Aviakosmicheskaya i ekologicheskaya meditsina, 2008. V.42, N 6/1. P. 32-35.

    26. Esimbekova Elena N., Kratasyuk Valentina A. Bioluminescent enzymatic tests for ecological monitoring // Ecology and Safety, International Scientific Publications, 2008. V.2, Part 1. p. 578-586. (ISSN 1313-2563)

    27. Vetrova E., Esimbekova E., Remmel N., Kotova S., Beloskov N., Kratasyuk V., Gitelson I. A bioluminescent signal system: detection of chemical toxicants in water // Luminescence, 2007. V.22, N3. P.206 – 214.

    28. Esimbekova E.N., Kratasyuk V.A., Torgashina I.G. Disk-shaped immobilized multicomponent reagent for bioluminescent analyses: correlation between activity and composition // Enzyme and microbial technology. 2007. V.40, N 2. p.343-346.

    29. Kudryasheva N.S., Esimbekova E.N., Remmel N.N., Kratasyuk V.A. Effect of quinones and phenols on a triple enzymic bioluminescent system with protease. //Luminescence, 2003. V.18, N 4. P. 224-228.

    30. Shishatskaya E.I., Esimbekova E.N., Volova T.G. et al. () Hygienic assessment of polyhydroxyalkanoates – natural polyethers of new generation.// Gigiena Sanitaria, 2002. N 4. p. 59-63.

    31. Dubovskaya O.P., Gladyshev M.I., Esimbekova E.N., Morozova I.I., Gold Z.G., Makhutova O.N. Study of possible relation between seasonal dynamics of zooplankton nonconsumptive mortality and water toxicity in a pond. // Inland Water Biology, 2002. N 3, ñ.39-43 (in Russian).

    32. Kratasyuk, V.A., Esimbekova E.N., Gladyshev M.I., Khromichek E.B., Kuznetsov A.M. and Ivanova E.A. The use of bioluminescent biotests for study of natural and laboratory aquatic ecosystems. //Chemosphere, 2001. V.42, N8. P.909-915.

    33. Kudryasheva N.S., Esimbekova E.N., Kudinova I.Y., Kratasyuk V.A., Stom D.I. Effects of quinones on NADH-dependent enzymatic bioluminescent systems // Applied biochemistry and microbiology, 2000. V. 36, Issue: 4. P. 409-413.

    34. Esimbekova E.N., Kratasyuk V.A., Abakumova V.V. Bioluminescent method to determine non-specific endotoxicosis in therapy. // Luminescence, 1999. N 14. p.197-198.

    35. Kudryasheva N.S., Kudinova I.Y., Esimbekova E.N., Kratasyuk V.A., Stom D.I. The influence of quinones and phenols on the triple NAD(H)-depent enzyme systems. //Chemosphere, 1999, V.38 N4. p.751-758.

    36. Kratasyuk V.A., Egorova O.I., Esimbekova E.N., Kudryashova N.S., Orlova N.Yu., L’vova L.S. A biological luciferase test for the bioluminescent assay of wheat grain infection with Fusarium // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology (Mocow), 1998. V.34 N 6. P. 622-624.

    37. Kudryasheva N.S., Kratasyuk V.A., Esimbekova E.N., Vetrova E.V., Nemtseva E.N., Kudinova I.Y. Development of the bioluminescent bioindicators for analyses of environmental pollutions. //J.Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology, 1998, V.2 N5. p.277-280.

    38. Kudryashova N.S., Shalayeva Ye.V., Zadorozhnaya Ye.N., Kratasyuk V.A., Balayan A.E., Stom D.I. Patterns of inhibition of bacterial bioluminescence in vitro by quinones and phenols – components of sewage // Biophysics, 1994. V. 39, N 3. p. 441-451.


    • 2018 Kalyabina V.P. Siberian Federal University, Master of Science degree (Biology)

    • 2016 Kirillova M.A. Siberian Federal University, Master of Science degree (Physics)

    • 2014 Asanova A.A. Siberian Federal University, Master of Science degree (Physics)

    • 2013 Lonshakova V.I. Siberian Federal University, Master of Science degree (Physics)

    • 2013 Kirillova M.A. Siberian Federal University, High education degree (Physics)

    • 2011 Lonshakova V.I. Siberian Federal University, High education degree (Physics)

    • 2011 Bezrukikh A.E. Siberian Federal University, High education degree (Physics)

    • 2010 Orlova A.V. Siberian Federal University, High education degree (Physics)

    • 2009 Kondik A.M. Siberian Federal University, High education degree (Physics)

    • 2007 Beloskov N.N. Krasnoyarsk State University. High education degree (Physics)

    • 2007 Parfenchuk T.A. Krasnoyarsk State University. High education degree (Physics)

    • 2004 Torgashina I.G. Krasnoyarsk State University. High education degree (Physics)

    • 2003 Nikiforova M.A. Krasnoyarsk State University. High education degree (Physics)

    • 1999 Miller E. Krasnoyarsk State University. High education degree (Biology)

    • 1998 Kudinova I.Y. Krasnoyarsk State University. High education degree (Biology)

    Äåòàëüíîå CV