Sergey I. Bartsev
Doctor of Science, head of theoretical biophysics laboratory
Tel.: (3912) 494328
Fax.: (3912) 433400
E-mail: bartsev@yandex.ru
Academic Education:
1972 - 1977 Krasnoyarsk State University, Physics Faculty, specialization: biophysics.
1981-1983 post-graduate course, Institute of biophysics, SB RAS
Scientific degree:
1986 Ph.D. (Biophysics), Thesis title: "The heterogeneity of luminous bacteria in accordance with light intensity". Research adviser - academician J.I.Gitelson.
2004 Doctor of Sciences (Biophysics), Thesis title: "Complexity reduction of models of natural and experimental ecosystems".
Academic Career:
1977 - 1978 assistant, Institute of Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch (UAS SB), Krasnoyarsk.
1978 - 1980, soldier, Soviet Army.
1981 - 1983, postgraduate, Institute of Biophysics (UAS SB), Krasnoyarsk.
1983 - 1987, Junior Researcher, Institute of Biophysics, (UAS SB), Krasnoyarsk.
1987 - 1990, lecturer, department of higher mathematics, Krasnoyarsk, State University.
1990 - 1991, Science secretary of Institute of Biophysics (UAS SB), Krasnoyarsk.
1991 - 1997, Senior Researcher, theoretical department, Institute of Biophysics (SB RAS).
1997 - 2002, Head Researcher, theoretical department, Institute of Biophysics (SB RAS).
2002 - Present, the head of theoretical biophysics lab, Institute of Biophysics (SB RAS).
Membership in international societies
1996 - 1998 Deputy Organizer of F4.3 Event of COSPAR (Committee on Space Research)
1998 - 2006 Main Scientific Organizer of F4.3 Event of COSPAR
2006 - Deputy Organizer of F4.3 Event of COSPAR.
Professional Experience:
Optimum configuration of biological life support systems
Mathematical modeling of ecological and biochemical systems
Application of neural network algorithms to science studies
Ecological education
Principal research interests
Global ecological crises and biosphere stability;
Design of biological life support systems for space applications;
Application of artificial neural networks for studying complex biological systems;
Initial stages of chemical evolution of life, possible predecessor of living beings;
Complexity reduction of ecological system description.
Basic Scientific Results:
Has proposed an approach to building minimal mathematical model of biosphere based on the principle of the worst scenario.
The possibility of irreversible catastrophic changes in the biosphere-climate system due to anthropogenic CO2 emission was shown.
Formal coefficient of closure applicable to ecosystems of different complexity was proposed and combinatory properties of it were investigated.
Was in charge of design and implementation of computer program for calculating optimal Life Support System (LSS) configuration for long-term space missions. It was shown there are optimal with respect to mass configurations of LSS for different scenarios of space missions.
Has introduced integral reliability criterion, which allows optimizing and comparing space LSS. Calculations of optimum scenarios for two main type of missions (orbit station and lunar base) were conducted.
Has developed the approach of functional-invariant to reduction of models complexity.
Possible scenario and corresponding mathematical model of initial stages of life origin on the Earth, which permit experimental verification were suggested.
International conferences/seminars attended in last 5 years:
The World Space Congress, October 10-17, Houston, USA
COSPAR'2004, July 18-25, Paris, France
International Symposium on Closed Habitation Experiments and Material Circulation Technology, Aomory, Japan
International Workshop "Biosphere Origin and Evolution", June 26-29, Novosibirsk, Russia
COSPAR'2006, July16-23, Beijin, China.
II International conference "Biosphere Origin and Evolution", 28 октября - 2 ноября, Loutraki, Greece.
Grants/projects supervised
2006-2008 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 06-04-49016, "Theoretical and experimental modeling of origin of autocatalytic systems capable of evolutionary complication as initial stage of the simplest pre-biotic system formation".
2003-2004 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 03-04-49755, "An approach to reducing complexity of biological system description by means of symmetry on the example of neural network phenomenological model".
Educational activity
Siberian Federal University
Lecture courses: biocybernetics, mathematical biophysics, general biophysics, closed ecological systems.
Scientific publications in last 5 years:
Bartsev S. I. , Bartseva O. D. Symmetric Structures and Equifinality of Evolution Outcomes in Simple Neural Network Models. Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics. v.386, No.1, pp.235-238, 2002.
Bartsev S.I. Naturally deducing estimation of CELSS closure. Adv. Space Res., v.31, No.7, pp.1675-1682, 2003.
Bartsev S.I., Mezhevikin V.V., Okhonin V.A. Systematic approach to life support system analysis and integration.// Adv. Space Res., v.31, No.7, pp.1823-1832, 2003.
Gitelson J.I., Bartsev S.I., Mezhevikin V.V., Okhonin V.A. An alternative approach to solar system exploration providing safety of human mission to Mars. Adv. Space Res., v.31, No.1, pp.17-24, 2003.
Bartsev S.I., Mezhevikin V.V., Okhonin V.A. Theoretical analysis of closed ecological systems, Chapter 11, pp.329-353. /In: J.I.Gitelson, G.M.Lisovsky, R.D. MacElroy, Manmade closed ecological systems. Taylor &Francis, London and New York, P.402, 2003.
Bartsev S.I., Essence of life and multiformity of its realization: expected signatures of life. Adv. Space Res., v.33, No.8, pp.1313-1317, 2004.
Bartsev S.I. Stoichiometric constraints and complete closure of long-term life support systems. Adv. Space Res. v.34, No. 7, pp.1509-1516, 2004.
Bartsev S.I., Mezhevikin V.V. Pre-biotic stage of life origin under non-photosynthetic conditions. Adv. Space Res., v.35, No.9, pp.1643-1647, 2005.
Bartsev S.I., Degermendzhi A.G., and Erokhin D.V. Global Minimal Model of Long-Term Carbon Dynamics in the Biosphere. Doklady Earth Sciences, v. 401, No. 2, pp. 326-329, 2005.
Bartsev S.I. High degree of matter turnover closure: associated problems and possible ways to solution. Proc. Int. Symp. On Closed Habitation Experiments and Material Circulation Technology, Institute for Environmental Sciences, Japan, pp.192-2002, 2005.
Bartsev S.I., Mezhevikin V.V. On the theoretical and experimental modeling of initial states of metabolism formation in prebiotic systems. Paleontological Journal, v.40, No.4, pp.538-542. 2006.
Bartsev S.I. , Bartseva O. D. Functional invariant approach to the biological system uniqueness: A simple neuronet model. Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics, v.406, No.1 pp.15-18, 2006.
Ivanova Yu.D., Bartsev S.I., Pochekutov A.A., Kartushinsky A.V. The analysis of seasonal activity of photosynthesis and efficiency of various vegetative communities on a basis NDVI for modeling of biosphere processes. Adv. in Space Res., v. 39. pp. 95-99, 2007.
Bartsev S.I., Mezhevikin V.V. Theoretical and Computer Modeling of Evolution of Autocatalytic Systems in a Flow Reactor. In book "Biosphere Origin and Evolution", Springer US, pp. 119-129, 2007.