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Curriculum vitae


Egor S. Zadereev

Laboratory of Biophysics of Ecosystems

Institute of Biophysics

Akademgorodok 660036 Krasnoyarsk Russia

Tel: (3912) 494358

E-mail: egor@ibp.ru


  • 1999 Ph.D., Hydrobiology, Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

  • Ph.D. thesis The role of population density in gamogenesis induction in Cladocera: Moina macrocopa as an example (phenomenology, parametric control)

  • 1998 M.Sc., Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

  • 1994 M.Sc., Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia


  • 1998-present Laboratory of Biophysics of Ecosystems, Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, senior research scientist, research scientists (1999-2003), junior research scientist (1998-1999)

  • 2002-present Scientific secretary, Institute of Biophysics SB RAS

  • 2002-present The Head of the Scientific Field Station at Shira lake (affiliated at IBP SB RAS)


  • Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia), Visiting lecturer

  • Academic courses: Modern aquatic ecology; Environmental management (2006-2012)

  • Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) MESPOM scholar (funded under Erasmus Mundus),

  • Academic course: Integrated Assessment and Modeling (April-May 2008)


  • 2005 Curriculum development workshop for the grantees of Curriculum Resource Center, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, January 26-February 4

  • 2003 (February-April) The Department of Food Web Studies, Centre for Limnology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology. Collaborative research.

  • 2000 Curriculum Resource Center Fall Session “Environmental issues in countryside”, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 7-14 December


  • 1999-present Annual scientific expeditions (duration of up to one month per year) to salt lakes of Khakasia (south of Siberia)


  • 2012 3rd European Large Lakes Symposium, 8-12 October, Konstanz, Germany

  • 2012 International conference “Salinity in biological sciences”, 27-29 February, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia

  • 2011 French-Russian Seminar “Impact of climate change on the ecophysiology of freshwater organisms”, 7-9 September, Lyon, France

  • 2011 11th International Conference on Salt lake Research, 9-14 May, Miramar, Argentina

  • 2010 Swiss-Russian Seminar Cladocerans (Crustacea) as model organisms for ecological and evolutionary research: approaching the age of genomics, 8-10 November, Fribourg, Switzerland

  • 2010 IV International Scientific Conference to commemorate Prof. G.G. Winderg "Modern problems of aquatic ecology", 11-15 October, St. Petersburg, Russia

  • 2009 13th Congress of Russian Hydrobiological Society, September, Vladivostok, Russia

  • 2007 30th SIL Congress, August, Montreal, Canada

  • 2005 7th International Symposium on Cladocera, September 5-9, Herzberg, Switzerland

  • 2005 The European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, July 18-22, Dresden, Germany

  • 2004 29th SIL Congress, August 8-14, Lahti, Finland

  • 2002 8th International Conference on Salt Lake Research, July 23-26, Khakasia, Russia

  • 2002 NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Artemia Biodiversity in the Newly Independent States: Current Global Resources and their Sustainable Exploitation", July 17-19, Moscow, Russia

  • 1998 4th International conference “Crustacea and Biodiversity Crisis”, July 20-27, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  • 1996 International workshop "Environment and Interaction", November 18-19, Porto, Portugal.


  • 2010-2012 Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation, Project No. № 14.740.11.0638

  • 2008-2010 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 08-04-00928

  • 2007-2008 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 07-04-96820

  • 2004-2006 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 04-04-48321

  • 2004-2006 INTAS, Project 03-59-78

  • 2004-2005 Grantee of CRC course development competition.

  • 2004-2005 Ministry of Industry and Science of Russian Federation, Grant MK-1388.2004.4

  • 2003 Ministry of Education of Russian Federation, Grant E02-2.0-28

  • 2002-2003 Krasnoyarsk Regional Scientific Foundation, Grant 11F0029M

  • 2000-2002 Russian Academy of Science, 6th competition for young scientists, Project 261

  • 1999 Krasnoyarsk Regional Scientific Foundation & US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), Grant 1M0040

  • 1995-1996 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 95-04-11794



  • Волова Т.Г., Афанасова Е.Н., Задереев Е.С., Зотина Т.А., Миронов П.В., Прудникова С.В., Сорокин Н.Д., Суковатый А.Г., Шишацкая Е.И. Экологическая биотехнология / Учебное пособие – Красноярск: ИПЦ «Копирка». 2012. 284 с.

  • Zadereev E.S. Applied environmental management: Principles and practices. Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, 2005. 112 p. (In Russian)


  • Ануфриева Т.Н., Дроботов А.В., Задереев Е.С., Толомеев А.П. Зоопланктон озера Шира / В книге Природный комплекс и биоразнообразие участка «Озеро Шира» заповедника Хакасский / коллектив авторов. Под ред. В.В. Непомнящего. – Абакан: Хакасское книжное издательство, 2011.- с. 287 - 303

  • Zadereev E.S. 2007. The Role of within Trophic Level Chemical Interactions in Diapause Induction: Basic and Applied Aspects. In: Diapause in Aquatic Invertebrates Theory and Human Use. (Eds. Victor R. Alekseev, Bart T. de Stasio and John J. Gilbert) Springer Netherlands, 197-206.


  • Жила Н.О., Прудникова С.В., Задереев Е.С., Рогозин Д.Ю. (2012) Деградация пленок из полигидроксиалканоатов в солоноватоводном озере Шира. Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. 5 (2): 210-215.

  • Volkova E.N.; Zadereev E.S. (2012) Effect of methyl farnesoate on the change of the reproduction mode in Moina macrocopa (Cladocera). Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics. 447 (1): 282-285

  • Zadereev E.S.; Tolomeev A.P.; Drobotov A.V. (2012) Asynchronous vertical migrations of zooplankton in stratified lakes. Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 5 (4): 443-449

  • Lopatina T.S., Zadereev E.S. (2012) The Effect of Food Concentration on the Juvenile Somatic Growth Rate of Body Length, Fecundity and the Production of Resting Eggs by Moina brachiata (Crustacea: Cladocera) Single Females. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 5(4): 427-438.

  • Zadereev Egor S., Alexander P. Tolomeyev, Anton V. Drobotov, Anna Yu. Emeliyanova and Mikhail V. Gubanov. (2010) The vertical distribution and abundance of Gammarus lacustris in the pelagic zone of the meromictic lakes Shira and Shunet (Khakassia, Russia). Aquatic Ecology. V. 44. Nо. 3. P. 531-539.

  • Degermendzhy A.G., Zadereev Y.S., Rogozin D.Y., Prokopkin I.G., Barkhatov Y.V., Tolomeev A.P., Khromechek E.B., Janse J.-P., Mooij W.-M. and Gulati R.-D. (2010) Vertical stratification of physical, chemical and biological components in two saline lakes Shira and Shunet (South Siberia, Russia). Aquatic Ecology. V. 44. Nо. 3. P. 619-632.

  • Губанов М.В., Задереев Е.С., Дегерменджи А.Г. Исследование химических коммуникаций между двумя доминантными представителями биоты озера Шира Gammarus lacustris Sars (Crustacea: Amphipoda) и Arctodiaptomus salinus Daday (Crustacea: Copepoda) // Доклады АН. 2010. Т. 434, № 1. С. 318-321.

  • Шатилина Ж.М., Губанов М.В., Задереев Е.С., Павличенко В.В., Аксёнов-Грибанов Д.В., Сапожникова Е.А., Протопопова М.В., Бедулина Д.С., Тимофеев М.А. Сравнительное исследование клеточных механизмов термоустойчивости у представителей популяций Gammarus lacustris Sars, населяющих солёное озеро Шира (Республика Хакасия) и пресный водоем Прибайкалья // Доклады АН. 2010. Т. 434, № 6. С. 846–849.

  • Antonie M. Verschoor, Yegor S. Zadereev and Wolf M. Mooij. 2007. Infochemical-mediated trophic interactions between the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus and its food algae. Limnol. Oceanogr. 52(5). P. 2109–2119

  • Egor Zadereev and Tatiana Lopatina. 2007. The induction of diapause in Moina by species-specific chemical cues. Aquatic Ecology. 41: 255–261

  • Задереев Е.С., Прокопкин И.Г. Роль диапаузы в сосуществовании видов зоопланктона: модельный анализ. // Доклады АН. 2007. Т. 412, № 6. С. 843-845.

  • Yegor S. Zadereev and Alexander P. Tolomeyev. 2007. The vertical distribution of zooplankton in brackish meromictic lake with deep-water chlorophyll maximum. Hydrobiologia. 576(1): 69-82

  • Задереев Е.С., Лопатина Т.С. Индукция смены способа размножения у Moina brachiata (Crustacea: Cladocera): действие продуктов жизнедеятельности своего и конкурирующих видов // Сибирский экологический журнал. 2006. № 1. С. 83-88.

  • Толомеев А.П., Задереев Е.С., Дегерменджи А.Г. Тонкое стратифицированное распределение Gammarus lacustris Sars ( Crustacea : Amphipoda ) в пелагиали меромиктического озера Шира (Россия, Хакасия) // Доклады АН. 2006. Т. 411, № 4. С. 549-552.

  • Tolomeyev A.P., Zadereev E.S. 2005. An in situ method for the investigation of vertical distributions of zooplankton in lakes: test of a two-compartment enclosure. Aquatic Ecology. 39 (2): 181-188.

  • Zadereev Ye.S. 2005. Effect of chemical interactions on the diapause induction in zooplankton. Verhandlungen IVL. 29 (1): 227-231.

  • Zadereev E.S., Prokopkin I.G., Gubanov V.G., Gubanov M.V. 2003. Individual-based model of the reproduction cycle of Moina macrocopa (Crustacea: Cladocera). Ecological Modelling. 162: 15–31

  • Толомеев А.П., Задереев Е.С. Действие солнечной радиации на вертикальные миграции Arctodiaptomus salinus и Brachionus plicatilis в озере Шира // Биология внутренних вод. 2003. № 2. С. 74-79.

  • Tolomeev A.P., Zadereev E.S. 2003. The effect of solar radiation on the vertical migrations of Arctodiaptomus salinus and Brachionus plicatilis in Shira lake. Biology of Inland Waters. No.2: 74-79 In Russian.

  • Zadereev Ye.S. 2003. Maternal effects, conspecific chemical cues, and switching from parthenogenesis to gametogenesis in the cladoceran Moina macrocopa. Aquatic ecology. 37: 251–255

  • Задереев Е.С. Химические взаимодействия среди планктонных ракообразных // Журнал общей биологии. 2002. Т. 63, № 2. С. 159-167.

  • Zadereev Ye. S., Gubanov M.V. 2002. The effect of chemicals released by Gammarus lacustris on the depth distribution of Arctodiaptomus salinus in laboratory conditions. Aquatic ecology. 36: 257-260

  • Калачева Г.С., Задереев Е.С., Губанов В.Г., Грибовская И.В. Химический состав воды скоплений Moina macrocopa(Сrustacea: Cladocera) // Экология. 2000. № 2. С. 130-134.

  • Zadereev E.S., Gubanov V.G. 1999. Density dependent regulation of the reproduction cycle in Moina macrocopa. Crustacean Issues, V. 12: p. 535–541

  • Задереев Е.С., Губанов В.Г., Егоров И.В. 1998 Влияние концентрации пищи и воды скоплений на репродуктивные параметры самок Moina macrocopa (Crustacea: Cladocera) // Журнал Общей Биологии. Т.59. № 1. С. 45-57.

  • Задереев Е.С. 1997. Влияние воды скоплений на плодовитость самок Moina macrocopa (Crustacea: Cladocera) // Экология. № 3. С. 234-237.

  • Задереев Е.С., Губанов В.Г. 1996. Роль плотности популяции в индукции гамогенеза у Moina macrocopa (Crustacea: Cladocera). // Журнал Общей Биологии. Т.57. № 3. С. 360-367.

  • Задереев Е.С., Губанов В.Г. 1995. Влияние плотности популяции Moina macrocopa (Cladocera) и пищевой обеспеченности на смену способа размножения у M.macrocopa. // Экология. № 6. С. 412-414.


  • Robert Jellison, Yegor S. Zadereev, Priya Arora DasSarma, John M. Melack, Michael R. Rosen, Andrei G. Degermendzhy, Shiladitya DasSarma and German Zambrana. 2004. Conservation and Management Challenges of Saline Lakes: A Review of Five Experience Briefs. Lake Basin Management Initiative Thematic Paper. http://www.worldlakes.org/uploads/ISSLR_Review_of_Salt_Lakes.pdf


  • Aquatic ecology

  • Hydrobiologia

  • Journal of Plankton Research

  • Contemporary Problems of Ecology

  • Journal of Siberian Federal University


  • 2009 Drobotov A.V. Siberian Federal University, Master of Science degree (Biology)

  • 2009 Volkova E.S. Siberian Federal University, Higher education degree (Biology)

  • 2005 Lopatina T.S. Biological department, Krasnoyarsk State University. Higher education degree.

  • 2001 Gubanov M.V. Biological department, Krasnoyarsk State University. Higher education degree.

  • 2000 Prokopkin I.G. Physical department, Krasnoyarsk State University. Master of Science degree.

  • 1999 Yegorov I.V. Biological department, Krasnoyarsk State University. Higher education degree.


  • International Society for Salt Lake Research (The Member of the board of directors)

  • Russian Hydrobiological Society


  • 2003, 2001 Vice-chairman of the organizing committee of 3rd and 2nd regional conferences “Youth and the way of Russia towards sustainable development” (April 2001, October 2003, Krasnoyarsk)

  • 2002 Member of the technical organizing committee of 8th International conference on salt lake research (ISSLR2002, July, Russia)