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EKATERINA I. SHISHATSKAYA, Professor of RAS, M.D., Ph.D., (in Russia)

Business Address:

Ekaterina Shishatskaya, M.D., Ph.D.

Chair of Department of Biomedicine

Siberian Federal University,

Svobodnyi avenue, 79

Krasnoyarsk 660041



e-mail: eshishatskaya@sfu-kras.ru

Office: +7 (391) 206-21-68

Principal research interests:

Reconstructive medicine and bioengineering, tissue engineering, therapeutic cell technologies.

Research and development of biodegradable polymer materials for substitution of organs and tissues; Investigations of properties of materials, their biocompatibility, cells and body response and immunity. Development of medical devices and technologies, based on the usage of natural polymers. Bioengineering processing of artificial analogues of soft and hard tissues. Development of hybrid materials, based on polymers, intended for the substitution of the components of human body.

Professional skills:

Biomedical research and postgraduate education in medical bioengineering; estimation of toxicity and biological safety of materials, using in vitro and in vivo techniques - ISO, GLP; clinical investigations.

Educational background

1991-1998 - Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy (now - V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University), specialist in therapy and family medicine.


  • 1998 - internship in therapy, on the base of 6th Krasnoyarsk City Hospital of urgent care, named by N.S. Karpovich.

  • 1999 - 2003 postgraduate training in the Institute of Biophysics, Siberian Brunch of Russian Academy of Science, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, and in the Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation, Moscow.

  • 2003 - Candidate of Sciences (in medicine, MD), in “Transplantology and Artificial Organs”.

  • Candidate thesis: “Medico-biological properties of biodegradable bacterial polymers – polyhydrohyalkanoates, for artificial organs and cell transplantology”.

  • 2009 – Doctor of Sciences (Biology), in “Biotechnology and Bio-nano-technology”.

  • Doctoral thesis: “Biotechnology of Polyhydroxyalkanoates: scientific base of medico-biological applications”.

Academic Positions held:

2005 - Now – Siberian Federal University, (former Krasnoyarsk State University):

  • 2005 - scientific worker in research department of Institute of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology, REC “Yenissey”, Y1-B-02, by the program of USA support for Basic Research and Hiqher Education (BRHE)

  • 2009 – Associated professor, Department of Biotechnology

  • 2010 – Associated professor, Chair of Department of Biomedicine

  • 2015 - Professor, Chair of Department of Biomedicine

  • 1999 - Now - Laboratory of Chemoautotrophic Biosynthesis, Institute of Biophysics SB RAS:

  • 1999- lab assistant

  • 2000 - graduate employee

  • 2003 - senior staff scientist

  • 2009- now - leading scientist

Medical positions held:

  • 1999 – 2009 - Krasnoyarsk city polyclinics number 2, physician

  • 2010 – 2012 - 6th Krasnoyarsk City Hospital of urgent care, named by Karpovich N.S., physician

Selected publications 2013-2017:

  • Wos: IH 11; IC 567

  • SCOPUS: IH 13; IC 762

  • RINC: IH 18; IC 1529

Main articles 2013-2017:

  • Volova T. G., Zhila N. O., Shishatskay E. I., Mironov P. V., Vasil’ev A. D., Sukovatyi A. G., and Sinskey A. J.The Physicochemical Properties of Polyhydroxyalkanoates with Different Chemical Structures. Polymer Science, Ser. A, 2013, Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 427–437

  • Volova T., Kiselev E., Shishatskaya E., Zhila N., Boyandin A., Syrvacheva D., Vinogradova O., Kalacheva G., Vasiliev A., Peterson I. Cell growth and PHA accumulation from CO2 and H2 of a hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium, Cupriavidus eutrophus Â-10646 // Bioresource Technology – 2013.-Vol.146.-P.215-222

  • Goreva A.V., Shishatskaya E.I., Kuzmina A.M., Volova T.G., Sinskey A.J. Microparticles prepared from biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoates as matrix for encapsulation of cytostatic drug // Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine – 2013 – Vol.24- ¹ 8.-P.1905-1915

  • Shishatskaya E.I., Kamendov I.V., Starosvetsky S.I., Vinnik Yu.S., Markelova N.N., Shageev A.A., Khorzhevsky V.A., Peryanova O.V., Shumiliva A. An in vivo study of osteoplastic properties of resorbable poly-3-hydroxybutyrate in models of segmental osteotomy and chronic osteomyelitis // Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology. – 2013.- Vol.41, ¹ 3

  • Volova, TG; Shishatskaya, EI. Results of biomedical studies of PHAs produced in Institute of Biophysics SB RAS and Siberian Federal University. In: Wu LP, editor. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA): Biosynthesis, Industrial Production and Applications in Medicine. NY, USA: Nova Scienses Publ. Inc.; 2014; 331–349.

  • Volova, TG; Kiselev, EG; Vinogradova, ON; Nikolaeva, ED; Chistyakov, AA; Sukovatyi, AG; Shishatskaya, EI. A glucose-utilizing strain, Ñupriavidus eutrophus Â-10646: growth kinetics, characterization and synthesis of multicomponent PHAs. Plos One, 2014, 9, 1–15.

  • Volova, TG; Goncharov, DB; Sukovatyi, AG; Shabanov, AV; Nikolaeva, ED; Shishatskaya, EI. Electrospinning of polyhydroxyalkanoate fibrous scaffolds: effect on electrospinning parameters on structure and properties. Journal of Biomaterials Science. Polymer Edition, 2014b, 25, 370–393.

  • Shishatskaya, EI; Volova, TG; Goreva, AV; Nikolaeva, ED; Sinskey, AJ. An in vivo study of 2D PHA matrixes of different chemical compositions: tissue reactions and biodegradations. Materials Science and Technology, 2014, 30, 549–557.

  • Volova, TG; Zhila, NO; Shishatskaya, EI. Synthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by the autotrophic CO-oxidizing bacterium Seliberia carboxydohydrogena Z-1062. The Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015, 42, 1377–1387.

  • Volova, TG; Tarasevich, AA; Golubev, AI; Boyandin, AN; Shumilova, AA; Nikolaeva, ED; Shishatskaya, EI. Laser processing of polymer constructs from poly(3-hydroxybutyrate). Journal of Biomaterials Science. Polymer Edition, 2015, 26, 1210–1228.

  • Shishatskaya, EI; Nikolaeva, ED; Vinogradova, ON; Volova, TG. Experimental wound dressings of degradable PHA for skin defect repair. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2016, 27, 1–16.

  • Volova, TG; Zhila, NO; Kiselev, EG; Prudnikova, SV; Vinogradova, ON; Nikolaeva, ED; Shumilova, AA; Shershneva, AM; Shishatskaya, EI. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/metribuzin formulations: characterization, controlled release properties, herbicidal activity, and effect on soil microorganisms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23, 23936-23950.

  • Piperigkou Z., Karamanou K., Engin A. B., Gialeli C., Docea A.O., Vynios D., Pavao M.,. Golokhvast K., Shtilman M., Argiris A., Shishatskaya E., Tsatsakis A. Emerging aspects of nanotoxicology in health and disease: from agriculture and food sector to cancer therapeutics// Food and Chemical Toxicology. - 2016. - V. 91. - P. 42-57.

  • E. I Shishatskaya, D. Nikitovic, A.Shabanov, G.N. Tzanakakis, A.M. Tsatsakis, N. G. Menzianova. Short-term culture of monocytes as an in vitro evaluation system for bionanomaterials designated for medical use //Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2016.- Vol. 96.-P.302-308

  • Volova, TG; Prudnikova, SV; Vinogradova, ON; Syrvacheva, DA; Shishatskaya, EI. Microbial degradation of polyhydroxyalkanoates with different chemical compositions and their biodegradability. Microbial Ecology, 2017. – V.73. – P.353-367

  • Volova, TG; Prudnikova, SV; Zhila, NO; Vinogradova, ON; Shumilova, AA; Nikolaeva, ED; Kiselev, EG; Shishatskaya, EI. Efficacy of tebuconazole embedded in biodegradable poly-3-hydroxybutyrate to inhibit the development of Fusarium moniliforme in soil microecosystems. Pest Management Science, 2017. – V.73. – P.925-935.

  • Volova, TG; Vinogradova, ON; Zhila, NO; Peterson, IV; Kiselev, EG; Vasiliev, AD; Sukovatiy, AG; Shishatskaya, EI. Properties of a novel quaterpolymer P(3HB/4HB/3HV/3HHx). Polymer, 2016, 101, 67–74.

  • Volova, TG; Zhila, NO; Kiselev, EG; Shishatskaya, EI. A study of synthesis and properties of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate/diethylene glycol copolymers. Biotechnology Progress, 2016, 32, 1017 – 1028.

  • Volova, TG; Zhila, NO; Vinogradova, ON; Nikolaeva, ED; Kiselev, EG; Shumilova, AA; Shershneva, AM; Shishatskaya, EI. Constructing herbicide metribuzin sustained-release formulations based on the natural polymer poly-3-hydroxybutyrate as a degradable matrix.

  • Volova, TG; Zhila N., Vinogradova, ON; Shumilova, AA; Prudnikova, SV; Shishatskaya, EI. Characterization of biodegradable poly-3-hydroxybutyrate films and pellets loaded with the fungicide tebuconazole. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016. V.23. P.5243-5254.

  • Shumilova, AÀ; Myltygashev, MP; Kirichenko, AK; Nikolaeva, ED; Volova, TG; Shishatskaya, EI. Porous 3D implants of degradable poly-3-hydroxybutyrate used to enhance regeneration of rat cranial defect. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 2017, 105, 566–577.

  • Volova, TG; Vinogradova, ON; Zhila, NO; Kiselev, EG; Peterson, IV; Vasil’ev, AD; Shishatskaya, EI.Physicochemical Properties of Multicomponent Polyhydroxyalkanoates: Novel Aspects. Polymer Science, Series A, 2017, 59, 98–106.

  • Volova T. G., Prudnikova S.V., Vinogradova O.N. Syrvacheva D.A., Shishatskaya E. I. Microbial degradation of polyhydroxyalkanoates with different chemical compositions and their biodegradability // Microbial Ecology. - 2017. – V.73. – P.353-367

  • Zhila N., Murueva A., Shershneva A., Shishatskaya E., Volova T. Herbicidal activity of slow-release herbicide formulations in wheat stands infested by weeds. J Env Sci Health, Part B., 2017. DOI:10.1080/03601234.2017.1356668.

  • T.G. Volova, S.V. Prudnikova, N.O Zhila, O.N Vinogradova, A.A Shumilova, E. D Nikolaeva, E. G Kiselev, E. I Shishatskaya. Efficacy of tebuconazole embedded in biodegradable poly-3-hydroxybutyrate to inhibit the development of Fusarium moniliforme in soil microecosystems. Pest Management Science, 2017, 73, 925-935.

Books and book chapters:

  1. Volova T.G., Sevastianov V.I., Shishatskaya E.I. Polyoxyalkanoates – biodegradable polymers for medicicne (edited ac. Shumakov V.I.). – 2006. Krasnoyarsk- publishing house “Platinum” - 2006.-36 p.s.

  2. Volova T.G., Shishatskaya E.I., Sinskey A.J. Degradable polymers: Production, properties, applications. NY: Nova Science Pub. Inc., 2013.

  3. Volova T.G., Vinnik Yu.S., Shishatskaya E.I., Markelova N.M., Zaikov G.E. Natural-based polymers for biomedical applications. Canada: Appl.Acad.Perss. 2017.

  4. Brigham C.J., Zhila N., Shishatskaya E., Volova T.G., Sinskey A.J. Manipulation of Ralstonia eutropha carbon storage pathways to produce useful bio-based products // X. Wang et al. (eds.) Subcellular Biochemistry. Series “Reprogramming microbial metabolic pathways”. – Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. 2012. V. 64. Chapter 17. P. 343-366.

  5. Volova T.G., Shishatskaya E.I. Results of biomedical studies of PHAs produced in Institute of Biophysics SB RAS and Siberian Federal University. Chapter in the book “Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA): Biosynthesis, Industrial Production and Applications in Medicine” (Nova Scienses Publ. Inc. NY. USA). 2014

  6. T. Volova, D.Goncharov, E.Nikolaeva, E. Shishatskaya. Chapter “Electrospinning of degradable PHAs: process, properties, applications" // Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (N.Y.) In book: "Electrospinning: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications" -2017.


  • The patent of Russian Federation for the invention No. 2380059 "Cover of a stent", priority from 19.08.2008. Authors: E. Shishatskaya, T. Volova, A. Protopopov.

  • The patent of Russian Federation for utility model No. 91849 "Endobiliary stent" by application No. 200913733, priority from 08. 10. 2009. Authors: Volova TG, Vinnik Yu. S., Markelova NM, Shishatskaya EI , Beletskiy II, Cherepanova ES, Tiryumin VS

  • The Patent of Russian Federation No. 2436595 "Surgical fiber, method of its production and products from it on request" No. 2010120922, priority from 24.05.2010. Authors: Shishatskaya E.I., Volova TG, Degermendji A.G.

  • The Patent of Russian Federation for the invention No. 2433836 "Surgical material (variants)" on application No. 2010130686; priority from 21.07.2010. Authors: Shishatskaya EI, Volova TG

  • The Patent of Russian Federation for the invention No. 2439143. The strain of bacteria V-10646 - producer of polyhydroxyalkanoates and the method of their obtaining; priority from 10.11.2010 under application No. 20101 46514. Authors: Volova TG and Shishatskaya EI

  • The Patent of Russian Federation for the invention No. 2010105415. (priority from 27. 08. 2011) "Method of treatment of inguinal hernias". Authors: Yakovlev AV, Vinnik Yu. S., Markelova NM, Volova TG, Shishatskaya EI

  • The Patent of Russian Federation for the invention No. 2447902 (priority from 21.07.2010). "Biologically active polymeric medical composition (variants)". Authors: Shishatskaya EI, Volova TG

  • The patent of the Russian Federation for the invention No. 2433839 (priority from 20.11.2011). The method of transmembrane dialysis of purulent wounds. Authors: Tyuryumin VS, Vinnik Yu. S., Markelova NM, Perjanova OV, Shishatskaya Ye. I.

  • The RF patent for invention No. 2433839 Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on October 10, 2013 Long-term herbicide for soil application. Authors: Volova T. G, Shishatskaya E.I.

  • The RF patent for invention No. 2484140 "Method for the preparation of a copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyric acid and 3-hydroxyvaleric acid" Author: Volova TG Date of priority: 26.12.2011.

  • The Eurasian patent for invention No. 19108 "Biologically active polymeric medical composition (variants)". Authors: Volova TG, Shishatskaya EI Priority Date: July 21, 2010

  • The Eurasian patent for invention No. 19109 "Surgical material for reconstruction of bone tissue defects (variants)". Authors: Volova TG, Shishatskaya EI Priority Date: July 21, 2010

  • The Eurasian patent for invention No. 20482 "Method for the preparation of a copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyric acid and 3-hydroxyvaleric acid" Author: Volova TG Date of priority: 26.12.2011.

  • "Implant for osteosynthesis from reinforced biodegradable material" / Positive decision on application for utility model No. 2009144234/063012, priority 30.11.2009. Authors: Khlusov IA, Shishatskaya E. I.

  • The patent of Russian Federation for the invention No. 2568605 "The strain of the bacterium Komagataeibacter xylinus B-12068 is the producer of bacterial cellulose". Authors: Volova Tatiana Grigorevna, Prudnikova Svetlana Vladislavna, Shishatskaya Ekaterina Igorevna. Priority Date: 11/12/2014.

  • The Patent of Russian Federation for invention No. 2565819 "Method for the preparation of a copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyhexanoate". Authors: Volova Tatyana Grigoryevna, Shishatskaya Ekaterina Igorevna. Priority Date: December 30, 2014

  • The Patent of Russian Federation for invention No. 2565815 "Method for the preparation of a copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrate, 3-hydroxyvalerate and 4-hydroxybutyrate". Authors: Volova Tatyana Grigoryevna, Shishatskaya Ekaterina Igorevna. Priority Date: December 30, 2014

  • The Application for obtaining a patent for invention No. 2015112117 A method for the preparation of copolymers of microbial origin formed by monomers of 3-hydroxybutyric acid and 4-hydroxybutyric acids Authors: Volova Tatiana Grigorievna, Shishatskaya Ekaterina Igorevna. Priority Date: 04/02/2015.

  • The Database "Physical and chemical properties of polyhydroxyalkanoates of various structures. Conditions of biosynthesis and producers» No. 2012620288. Authors: Volova TG, Zhila N.O., Shishatskaya E.I., Sukovatyi AG Priority date: 01/31/2012

Grants 2012-2017:

  1. Russian Scientific Foundation: "The study of molecular markers of monocytes-macrophages in patients with atherosclerosis in interaction with biononopolymeric materials" No. 17-15-01352, supported by the Russian Science Foundation, for the period 2017 – 2019; leader.

  2. Russian Foundation of Basic Research and Krasnoyrask Regional Scientific Foundation collaborative competition of oriented research: “Scientific principles of design and application of biocompatible resorbable biomaterials and hybrid tissue engineering systems for reparative tissueogenesis of skin defects”, No.16-43-242024; participant.

  3. Laboratory of new biomaterials”, by program “Creature of laboratories under the guidance of leading scientists” - SibFU, Grant of RF Government by the regulation ¹ 220, The No. of Agreement 11.G34.31.0013, (2010-2014), co-leader.

  4. “Development of production of biopolymers using brown coals and oil”, by program “ Development of system of infrastructure support of research, innovative and educational activity of universities”, SibFU, Grant of RF Government by the regulation ¹ 219, Agreement No.13.G38.31.0009 (2010-2014), participant.

  5. Russian Scientific Foundation: "The fundamental principles of designing new generation agricultural products”, ¹ 14-26-00039 (2014-2016), participant.


2005-2018: Spring BME

"Materials for medicine, tissue engineering and transplantology" Course master

“Tissue engineering and cell technologies” Course master

Fall Biol

"Modern methods and apparats in biology”

Undergraduate student research supervision

  1. Elena D. Nikolaeva, “Properties of resorbable matrices from polyhydroxyalkanoates of different chemical composition”, PhD in Biotechnology (including bionanotechnology) 03.01.06, 2011.

  2. Anna M. Shershneva,”Polymeric microparticles, based on polyhydroxyalcanoates: preparation, characteristic, application”, 03.01.06 – Biotechnology (including bionanotechnology), 2015.

  3. Anna A. Shumilova, “The potential of biodynamic polyhydroxyalcanoats as the osteoplastic materials”, 03.01.06 – Biotechnology (including bionanotechnology), 2015.

Consulting of Undergraduate student research (medicine):

  1. Yakovlev A.V., “Surgical treatment of inguinal hernias with the use of polyhydroxylalkanoates (experimental and clinical study)”: Candidate of sci. in Medicine by 14.01.17 - surgery, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named by V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky, 2011.

  2. Vasilenya E.S., “Experimental ground of the use of a new suture material based on polyoxyalkanoates: - Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. Voino-Yasenetsky.-2011 (experimental and clinical study)”: Candidate of sci. in Medicine by 14.01.17 - surgery, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named by V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky, 2013.

  3. Markelova N.M., “Rationale for the use of high-tech medical products from biodegradable polymers in reconstructive surgery (experimental and clinical study)”: Doctor of science in Medicine by 14.01.17 - surgery, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named by V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky, 2015.

  4. Chaykin A.A., Application of polyhydroxyalcanoates in the treatment of patients with postoperative ventral herges (experimental and clinical study)”: Candidate of sci. in Medicine by 14.01.17 - surgery, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk State Medical University, 2016.

Invited presentations and lectures (selected):

  • “P(3)HB-microspheres for intravenous and intramuscular administration, - biodistribution, biocompatibility and drug efficiency”, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Nanomedicine Research Center, Los Angeles, USA, May 2012

  • “Microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates – biodegradable plastics of the 21st century “, “Biosynthesis of multicomponent PHAs”, USA, MIT, May 2012

  • “Self-made” biopolymer materials of microbiological origin: production, processing into medical devices, biological properties”, International research school "Polymers in medicine and healthcare", Kazan National Research Technological University, May 27- June 1, 2013

  • “Synthesis and Fabrication of Bioresorbable Polymers: Environment and Regenerative Medicine” , Seminar by focused topics in biotechnoly, Centre Of Russian Business In Europe AISBL, Brussels, March 25-26, 2013

  • “Modern Technologies in Regenerative Medicine: the Place of Natural Biopolymers”, Russian-German Workshop “Biocompatible Materials and Coatings: Fundamental Problems & Trends, Biomedical Applications” (BMC-2013), National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, February 24-27, 2013

  • “Polymer materials of microbial origin – Polyhydroxyalcanoates, PHA, for regenerative medicine”, Conference and School of Biomedicine, FEFU, "Future of Biomedicine 2015" Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia, 2-7 September, 2015

  • “Bioengineering - modern regenerative technologies and tissue engineering”, “Modern controlled drug delivery systems”, Federal Educational Center "Sirius", Sochi, 25-28 July 2016

Honors and awards:

  • 2003 PhD-student scholarship of George Soros Foundation

  • 2007 Honorary diploma "Dostoyanie Sibiri", Certificate of honor of the Head of the city of Krasnoyarsk

  • 2008 The National Prize of B.Braun Aesculap "The Future of Suture Materials"

  • Award for outstanding scientists of the Siberian Branch of the RAS

  • Prize of Academician M.A. Lavrentiev and the Association "Siberian Agreement"

  • 2009 The state award of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the field of education and science

  • The scholarship of the L"Oreal-UNESCO National competition "For women in science"

  • 2010 Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the Field of

  • Science and Innovations for Young Scientists for 2009