Liudmila P. Burakova
Laboratory of photobiology
Institute of Biophysics
Akademgorodok 660036 Krasnoyarsk Russia
Tel: +7 (391) 249-44-30
E-mail: burakoval@mail.ru
2017 Ph.D., Biophysics, Institute of Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Ph.D. thesis «Photosensitive photoprotein berovin of ctenophore Beroe abyssicola: cloning and properties of recombinant protein.»
1991 M.Sc., Biology, Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2006-present Laboratory of photobiology, Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, research scientist, junior research scientist (1999-2006)
1996-1999-doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, clinical diagnostic laboratory Central city hospital Sosnovoborsk
1991-1996-doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, “DIAS” company
1991-1999- doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, Krasnoyarsk Regional Hospital ¹1
2011 (March-April) Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia. Scientific expedition
2008 (September-October) Tropical Center, Nha Trang branch, Vietnam. Scientific expedition
2000 (September-October) Biological Station “Kartezh” of Zoological Institute RAS. Scientific expedition
2018 III Biotechnology of new materials - environment - quality of life, 30 September - 4 October, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2017 II Biotechnology of new materials - environment - quality of life, 24-29 September, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2017 VIII Congress of the Russian Photobiological Society, 9-16 September, Shepsi, Russia
2016 I Biotechnology of new materials - environment - quality of life, 10-14 October, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2014 2011 VII Congress of the Russian Photobiological Society, 14-20 September, Shepsi, Russia
2014 16th International Congress of Photobiology, 7-12 September, Cordoba, Argentina
2014 Brazil-Russia workshop on Bioluminescence, 3-6 September, Sorocaba, Brasil
2012 17th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, 28 May-2 June, Guelph, Canada
2011 VI Congress of the Russian Photobiological Society, 15-21 September, Shepsi, Russia
2008 15th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, 13-18 May, Beijing, China
2006 14th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, 15-19 October, San-Diego, USA
2018-2019 Russian Foundation for Basic Research. ¹ 17-04-242001 ð_ìê
2017-2019 Russian Foundation for Basic Research. ¹ 17-04-00764 A
2017-2018 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project. ¹ 16-44-242099 ð_îôè_ì
2017-2018 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project. ¹ 16-44-240648 ð_à
2014-2016 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project. ¹ 14-14-01119
2014-2016 Russian Scientific Foundation, Project No. ¹ 14-14-01119
2013-2017 Project “Luciferase and photoproteins of different luminescent organisms: molecular mechanisms of functioning and application in microanalysis” ¹ 6.8
2012-2014 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 12-04-00131-à “Features functioning coelenterazine-dependent bioluminescent protein luminescent organisms: comparative studies of Ca2 + -regulated photoproteins class Hydrozoa”
2012-2013 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 12-04-00753-à “Design, preparation and study of the properties of hybrid proteins Ca-regulated photoprotein obelin with biospecific polypeptides”
2012-2013 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 12-04-91153-ÃÔÅÍ_à “Structural studies of calcium-regulated photoproteins and coelenterazine-dependent luciferases”
2011-2013 Project “Bioluminescent biotechnologies” ¹ 11.G34.31.0058
2011-2012 Government contract “Bioluminescent reporter proteins and technologies based on them for the in vivo imaging of molecular processes in cells and small laboratory animals” ¹ 16.512.11.2141
2010-2012 Project “Bioluminescent proteins of various luminescent organisms: molecular mechanisms of functioning and application of bioluminescent microanalysis” ¹ 01201000940
2008-2013 Grants of the President of the Russian Federation in support of leading scientific schools hands Gitelzon I.I. ¹¹ ÍØ-1211.2008.4, ÍØ-64987.2010.4, ÍØ-3951.2012.4
2008-20012 Project “Molecular mechanisms of bioluminescence different luminescent organisms” ¹ 6.2
2009-2011 Integration project of SB RAS “Experimental and theoretical study of the mechanism of Ca2 + bioluminescent reaction -regulated photoproteins”
2009-2011 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 09-04-00172-à “Features functioning coelenterazine-dependent bioluminescent proteins from different luminescent organisms”
2009-2010 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 09-04-13686-îôè_ö “Development of bioluminescent biosensors and technologies for monitoring the dynamics of intracellular processes in the medical and pharmacological studies”
2009-2010 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 09-04-12022-îôè_ì “Construction of calcium-dependent bioluminescent proteins with different sensory properties and creation of cell lines expressing these proteins, for the test drugs”
2008-2010 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 08-04-92209-ÃÔÅÍ_à “Structural and functional studies of the complex Ca2 + -regulated photoprotein clytin-GFP”
2007-2009 Project “Bioluminescent system of luminous bacteria, coelenterates, worms and fireflies: general patterns and differences” ¹ 01200703093
2008 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 08-04-08126-ç “Participation in the 15th International Symposium on bioluminescence and chemiluminescence”
2006-2008 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 06-04-89502-ÍÍÑ_à “Spatial structures coelenterazine-dependent luciferases marine luminescent organisms”
2006-2007 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 06-04-08076-îôè “Construction of Ca2 + -regulated photoproteins with altered bioluminescence spectra and their use for the development of two-wave analysis methods”
2005-2007 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 05-04-48271_a “The functional role of individual amino acid residues coelenterazine-dependent luciferases Metridia longa and Renilla muelleri in the bioluminescent reaction”
2002-2004 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 02-04-49419-a “The functional role of individual amino acid residues in the active site obelin bioluminescent reaction”
Markova S.V., Vysotski E.S., Blinks J.R., Burakova L.P., Wang B.C., Lee J. Obelin from the bioluminescent marine hydroid Obelia geniculata: cloning, expression, and comparison of some properties with those of other Ca2+-regulated photoproteins. Biochemistry. 2002 41, 2227-36
Purtov K.V., Burakova L.P., Puzyr A.P. and Bondar V.S. The interaction of linear and ring forms of DNA molecules with nanodiamonds synthesized by detonation. Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 1-3
Borisova V.V., Frank L.A., Markova S.V., Burakova L.P., Vysotski E.S. Recombinant Metridia luciferase isoforms: expression, refolding and applicability for in vitro assay. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2008, 7, 1025–1031
Markova S.V., Burakova L.P., Frank L.A., Golz S., Korostileva K.A., Vysotski E.S. Green-fluorescent protein from the bioluminescent jellyfish Clytia gregaria: cDNA cloning, expression, and characterization of novel recombinant protein. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010, 9, 757–765
Markova S.V., Burakova L.P., Vysotski E.S. High-active truncated luciferase of copepod Metridia longa. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2012, 417, 98–103
Markova S.V., Burakova L.P., Golz S., Malikova N.P., Frank L.A., Vysotski E.S. The light-sensitive photoprotein berovin from the bioluminescent ctenophore Beroe abyssicola: a novel type of Ca2+-regulated photoprotein. FEBS Journal, 2012, 279, 856–870
Krasitskaya V.V., Burakova L.P., Pyshnaya I.A., Frank L.A. Bioluminescent reporters for identification of gene allelic variants. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2012, 38, 298–305
Stepanyuk G.A., Liu Z.J., Burakova L.P., Lee J., Rose J., Vysotski E.S., Wang B.C. Spatial structure of the novel light-sensitive photoprotein berovin from the ctenophore Beroe abyssicola in the Ca(2+)-loaded apoprotein conformation state. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013, 1834, 2139-46
Eremeeva E.V., Burakova L.P., Krasitskaya V.V., Kudryavtsev A.N., Shimomura O., Frank L.A. Hydrogen-bond networks between the C-terminus and Arg from the first a-helix stabilize photoprotein molecules. Photochem Photobiol Sci, 2014, 13, 541-547
Gealageas R., Malikova N.P., Picaud S., Borgdorff A.J., Burakova L.P., Brulet P., Vysotski E.S., Dodd R.H. Bioluminescent properties of obelin and aequorin with novel coelenterazine analogues. Anal Bioanal Chem., 2014, 406, 2695-2707
Malikova N.P., Burakova L.P., Markova S.V., Vysotski E.S. Characterization of hydromedusan Ca(2+)-regulated photoproteins as a tool for measurement of Ca(2+)concentration. Anal Bioanal Chem, 2014, 406, 5715-5726
Markova S.V., Larionova M.D., Burakova L.P., Vysotski E.S. The smallest natural high-active luciferase: cloning and characterization of novel 16.5-kDa luciferase from copepod Metridia longa. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015, 457, 77-82.
Burakova L.P., Kudryavtsev A.N., Stepanyuk G.A., Baykov I.K., Morozova V.V., Tikunova N.V., Dubova M.A., Lyapustin V.N., Yakimenko V.V., Frank L.A. Bioluminescent detection probe for tick-borne encephalitis virus immunoassay. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2015, 407, 5417-5423.
Burakova L.P., Natashin P.V., Malikova N.P., Niu F., Pu M., Vysotski E.S., Liu Z.J. All Ca(2+)-binding loops of light-sensitive ctenophore photoprotein berovin bind magnesium ions: The spatial structure of Mg(2+)-loaded apo-berovin. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2016, 154, 57-66.
Burakova L.P., Stepanyuk G.A., Eremeeva E.V., Vysotski E.S. Role of certain amino acid residues of the coelenterazine-binding cavity in bioluminescence of light-sensitive Ca(2+)-regulated photoprotein berovin. Photochem Photobiol Sci., 2016, 15, 691-704.
Burakova L.P., Natashin P.V., Markova S.V., Eremeeva E.V., Malikova N.P., Cheng C., Liu Z.J., Vysotski E.S. Mitrocomin from the jellyfish Mitrocoma cellularia with deleted C-terminal tyrosine reveals a higher bioluminescence activity compared to wild type photoprotein. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2016, 162, 286-297.
Krasitskaya V.V., Burakova L.P., Komarova A.A., Bashmakova E.E., Frank L.A. Mutants of Ca2+-regulated Photoprotein obelin for site-specific conjugation. Photochem Photobiol., 2017, 93, 553-557.